Mission: We"ve brought together some of the brightest minds in technology to support a common goal to enable our customers to unleash the power of their machine data.
Vision: We make machine data accessible, usable and valuable to everyone.
Disruptive: We never say "Don"t change it if it"s not broken." We"re always looking at things from different angles with an eye for how we can do it better, faster, and more efficiently.
Fun: All work and no play leads straight to burn out, which is why we foster a sense of fun at work. Whether it"s celebrating successful product releases or working alongside colleagues on volunteer days, we believe that freeing our minds from routine once in a while makes us more productive, builds stronger teams, and promotes positive mindsets.
Innovative: We value people who can"t stop thinking about improving the future and who are working today to make that future possible. How can we stay ahead of technology to meet our customers" ever-changing needs? We"re fueled by forward-thinking employees who see the potential of better technologies, processes and ideas through diversity and who take the steering wheel to drive it forward.
Open: We keep it open, honest, and inclusive. We welcome all employees" feedback with an open-door policy, and we care as much about providing a collaborative and inclusive employee experience as we do about helping our customers solve their biggest data problems.
Passionate: You can have the best people and the best products in the world, but without passion, you can"t call it Splunk. Passion for our products and customers drives us further and keeps us reaching higher. It"s why we excitedly talk about Splunk to anyone who will listen if you don"t believe it, just ask one of us about Splunk and see what happens.
Concepts like closure, scopes, callback functions - will be tested in any front-end interviews.
Sort a log based on the date using two languages.
Implement AVL tree.
Perl scripting.
Sorting algorithms, Performance, scalability, Unix, and Linux.
How would you design a search tool?
Some questions about debugging skills.
HTTP methods.
REST API and Javascript.
Return a minimum value of a stack.
Reverse string elements in an array.
External sorting algorithms. Various approaches to sorting data present on different machines.
Default function generated in C++, some questions on copy constructor
What is Idempotency?
Difference between PUT and POST in REST. When do you use one over the other?
Find intersection node in linked list.
Evaluate an infix expression.
Identify the adapter design pattern to solve one of the issues with the code.
Producer-Consumer problem in a non-blocking way (code up a producer-consumer where each producer produces one item and consumer consumes one item. Only catch is the synchronization cannot use blocking primitives like semaphores or even condition variables).
Design a tree which can contain any number of children. Implement create (parentid, childid) and find (nodeid). Constraints: No duplicate key, tree depth cannot exceed certain threshold
Expression calculator with paranthesis"following order of precedence.
Return the smallest element in a rotated sorted array.
System design questions.
Basic C/C++ questions.
Implement iterator.
Find the longest continuous"subsequence of integers in a list.
Given a list of integers, return a list of all possible permutations.
Questions on semaphores and mutexes.
Questions on parsing non-punctuated strings into valid IPs.
Combine 2 sets of sorted ranges into a unique set of non-overlapping ranges, returning an array of duplicates.
Conversions between inorder, preorder, post order.
Do a level order traversal of an incomplete tree.
What does the PS command in Linux do?
What is a module in Python?
What is the role of a linker in C++?
What is a pop operator in C++?
Difference between list and tupe.
DOM manipulation in JS.
Difference between == and === operators in Javascript.
How would you maintain a link like wikipedia (a link having multiple references, each reference will have multiple reference)?
What is the big 0 notation for parallel processing?
What is Scope?
What is the difference between Service and Factory?
What are commonly used directives?
What are various HTTP methods you are aware of?
What is Closure
.call and .apply
What CSS3 features do you use in your project?
What do the > and + signs in CSS selectors do?
Find all files in which there is phone number (more than 500k files in folder/sub folder).
Have you ever installed software or package using command line?
How do you design marketplace for an elevator?
Stage 1: Phone screen with HR
Stage 2: Online code challenge (might be skipped)
Stage 3: Technical phone interview with hiring manager
Stage 4: Onsite interview The onsite has 5 rounds with mostly technical questions, lunch, and a close up with the hiring manager.

Pathrise is a career accelerator that helps people land their dream jobs. We regularly place our fellows at top companies like Apple, Amazon, and Meta. Our mentors have experience at companies like Apple, giving fellows the inside scoop on interview and company culture in 1-on-1 sessions.
We can’t guarantee you a job at a specific company like Apple. But we do guarantee you a great job–if you don’t accept an offer in 1 year, you pay nothing. Our income share agreement means you only pay with a percentage of your income at your new role.
Mentors work with fellows at every stage in search, helping them build the skills necessary to be the best candidate possible. Fellows in Pathrise usually see a 2-4x increase in application response rates, 1.5-3x increase in interview scores, and 10-20% increase in salary through negotiation.